Tea Rex Comic Book Cover by David Peters
Tea Rex emerges again from the primordial gyre. In this incarnation we find him masquerading as a humble teapot in search of his mojo. Lost in a Tea House within the belly of the beast itself. Clover Field forever.

Interior page layout Tea Rex Comics
Four interior pages from the comic story of Tea Rex, by David Peters

Bonanza after the deluge-Oshkosh
With a carefully worked paint effect, a photograph is transformed. Here a Beech Bonanza with soaked clothes draped over the propeller drying in the setting sun after a day of rain at EAA's annual event at Oshkosh Wisconsin.

As The New Year Unfolds
The traditionally late annual announcement that one is still present on the planet.

"Awkward Encounters"
Our hero is confronted with the age old dilemma as to where exactly does one pin the corsage on a first date! Complications arise with the realization that the key to ones heart isn't always the obvious but rather sometimes the result of the machinations of minions. A subtle push or pull that can throw opposites into a cosmic embrace that will endure thru the ages. One can be so lucky!
Photo Illustration by David Peters © 2013

"A Tempest In A Teapot - Editors Cut"
A tempest in a teapot - Living life in the vortex created when planetary re-alignments and solar winds dictate the need for change in order to survive the journey to the outer rings.
Photo Illustration by David Peters © 2013

National Championship Air Races 2013 "Mavericks In The Sky" 50th Anniversary Poster - Reno Air Race Association
This years commemorative poster "Mavericks In The Sky", has over 60 aircraft circling home pylon representing the last 50 years of modern air racing at Reno/Stead airfield in the Nevada desert. A challenging endeavor to group as many aircraft in one scene and still maintain a feeling of flight and continuity with out tangents and "stick props". This is not a single photograph, but the careful and deliberate manipulation of many photographs to create this kinetic scene.
Contributing photographers were the artist & illustrator David Peters, along with James Larsen and Don "Bucky" Dawson who provided shots of many of the earlier racers. Most of the aircraft shown were medal winners in their classes.

National Air Races 2006 "Conquest In The Sky" - Reno Air Race Association poster

National Air Races 2001 "A Race Odyssey" - Reno Air Race Association poster

National Air Races 2000 - Reno Air Race Association poster

National Air Races 1999 - Reno Air Race Association poster

National Air Races 1998 - Reno Air Race Association poster

Navion - Air & Space Magazine
This illustration was a two page feature done for an article on the venerable Navion airplane built by North American Aviation and later Ryan Aeronautical. It ran in Air & Space Magazine in 2009

Patent Wars - Air & Space Magazine feature spread
A feature illustration for Air & Space Magazine on a story about the patent battles between the Wright Brothers and Glenn Curtiss over early wing warping designs that eventually led to the aileron.
Photo Illustration by David Peter © 2000

Korean War - Air & Space Magazine feature opener

U-Boats Off American Shores - American History Magazine feature opener

World Wide Com - CMP feature

Civil War Gatefold - American History Magazine

Who Done It - Hollywood Reporter spot

Modern Plan View - spot

Heavy Towing - Boating World spot

Big Eyes - Boating World spot

Winter Water Sports - Boating World spot

Setting Records - Air & Space Magazine feature

Yankosaurus - Weird Al "Alapalooza"

Parking Hell - Los Angeles Magazine feature

Time Travel - Games Magazine cover

Los Angeles Times - Calendar cover

Lizard Lounge - Papermoon Graphics - greeting card

"Live It Up" Crosby Stills & Nash - album cover
This artwork started life as a bumper graphic for the TV show "Friday's" , a late night comedy show airing on ABC. Ten years later, art director Jimmy Wachtel saw it and wanted to use it for CSN's album "Live It Up". With a little lunar redo it became the art you see here.
The illustration won a Silver Medal in the Society of Illustrators Los Angeles, 1994 annual competition.

"New York Counterpoint" Richard Stoltzman - album cover
Tea Rex Comic Book Cover by David Peters
Tea Rex emerges again from the primordial gyre. In this incarnation we find him masquerading as a humble teapot in search of his mojo. Lost in a Tea House within the belly of the beast itself. Clover Field forever.
Interior page layout Tea Rex Comics
Four interior pages from the comic story of Tea Rex, by David Peters
Bonanza after the deluge-Oshkosh
With a carefully worked paint effect, a photograph is transformed. Here a Beech Bonanza with soaked clothes draped over the propeller drying in the setting sun after a day of rain at EAA's annual event at Oshkosh Wisconsin.
As The New Year Unfolds
The traditionally late annual announcement that one is still present on the planet.
"Awkward Encounters"
Our hero is confronted with the age old dilemma as to where exactly does one pin the corsage on a first date! Complications arise with the realization that the key to ones heart isn't always the obvious but rather sometimes the result of the machinations of minions. A subtle push or pull that can throw opposites into a cosmic embrace that will endure thru the ages. One can be so lucky!
Photo Illustration by David Peters © 2013
"A Tempest In A Teapot - Editors Cut"
A tempest in a teapot - Living life in the vortex created when planetary re-alignments and solar winds dictate the need for change in order to survive the journey to the outer rings.
Photo Illustration by David Peters © 2013
National Championship Air Races 2013 "Mavericks In The Sky" 50th Anniversary Poster - Reno Air Race Association
This years commemorative poster "Mavericks In The Sky", has over 60 aircraft circling home pylon representing the last 50 years of modern air racing at Reno/Stead airfield in the Nevada desert. A challenging endeavor to group as many aircraft in one scene and still maintain a feeling of flight and continuity with out tangents and "stick props". This is not a single photograph, but the careful and deliberate manipulation of many photographs to create this kinetic scene.
Contributing photographers were the artist & illustrator David Peters, along with James Larsen and Don "Bucky" Dawson who provided shots of many of the earlier racers. Most of the aircraft shown were medal winners in their classes.
National Air Races 2006 "Conquest In The Sky" - Reno Air Race Association poster
National Air Races 2001 "A Race Odyssey" - Reno Air Race Association poster
National Air Races 2000 - Reno Air Race Association poster
National Air Races 1999 - Reno Air Race Association poster
National Air Races 1998 - Reno Air Race Association poster
Navion - Air & Space Magazine
This illustration was a two page feature done for an article on the venerable Navion airplane built by North American Aviation and later Ryan Aeronautical. It ran in Air & Space Magazine in 2009
Patent Wars - Air & Space Magazine feature spread
A feature illustration for Air & Space Magazine on a story about the patent battles between the Wright Brothers and Glenn Curtiss over early wing warping designs that eventually led to the aileron.
Photo Illustration by David Peter © 2000
Korean War - Air & Space Magazine feature opener
U-Boats Off American Shores - American History Magazine feature opener
World Wide Com - CMP feature
Civil War Gatefold - American History Magazine
Who Done It - Hollywood Reporter spot
Modern Plan View - spot
Heavy Towing - Boating World spot
Big Eyes - Boating World spot
Winter Water Sports - Boating World spot
Setting Records - Air & Space Magazine feature
Yankosaurus - Weird Al "Alapalooza"
Parking Hell - Los Angeles Magazine feature
Time Travel - Games Magazine cover
Los Angeles Times - Calendar cover
Lizard Lounge - Papermoon Graphics - greeting card
"Live It Up" Crosby Stills & Nash - album cover
This artwork started life as a bumper graphic for the TV show "Friday's" , a late night comedy show airing on ABC. Ten years later, art director Jimmy Wachtel saw it and wanted to use it for CSN's album "Live It Up". With a little lunar redo it became the art you see here.
The illustration won a Silver Medal in the Society of Illustrators Los Angeles, 1994 annual competition.
"New York Counterpoint" Richard Stoltzman - album cover